Companion Care (Belfast) Ltd T/A Vets4Pets
Facilities & services
Animals treated
Birds -
Cats -
Dogs -
Exotic/Wild -
Poultry -
Small Mammals
Accreditation & awards
This practice is not yet RCVS accredited.
Development & training

This practice is an RCVS Approved Graduate Development Practice on the Veterinary Graduate Development Programme (VetGDP).
VN Training Practice
This practice is an Approved Veterinary Nurse Training Practice and offers clinical training and work experience for student veterinary nurses.
Veterinary surgeons
- Mr Alan Bolton BVetMed MRCVS
- Miss Gemma Crossan BVetMed MRCVS
- Dr Katie Ni Dhonnchadha MRCVS
- Dr Sharon Rankin BVM&S MRCVS
- Mrs Sarah Toal BVMS MRCVS
Veterinary nurses
- Mrs Laura Mageean RVN
- Miss Christine O'Neill RVN,
- Mrs Lesley O'Neill RVN
- Mrs Shona Purdy RVN
Inside Pets at Home
unit 5 balmoral plaza
24 boucher road
co antrim
BT12 6HR
united kingdom